School of Nursing
Online Journal
Aged Care
Hand Hygiene
Hospital Based Nursing
Maori Health
Mental Health
Nursing Issues
Oral Health
Pain Management
Palliative Care
Sexual Health
Women’s Health
Wound Management
Volume One, 2013
Prevention of obesity and associated comorbities through nutrition awareness
Safe Staffing Ratios – the New Zealand context
Whooping cough immunisation
Manuka honey use for wound healing
Implementation of MedChart throughout New Zealand
Dedicated time, at the beginning of the year to refresh students’ practical skills
Twelve-hour shifts have too many risks
Compression bandaging in patients with venous insufficiency
The Sexual Health Of New Zealand Teenagers
Seclusion “Let’s start opening the doors”
12 Hour Nursing Shifts
Breast Cancer Screening- DBT versus DM in Testing Breast Cancer in Women
The Art of Nursing
Employment of New Graduate Registered Nurses into Rural Primary Health Care
Editorial - Volume One, 2013
Volume Two (1), 2016
Editorial, Volume Two (1), 2016
Cannabis in Cancer
Mammography Screening - Harms verses Benefits
Reducing Child Immunisation Pain
Childhood obesity in the primary health care setting
How nursing knowledge and attitudes affect the management of pain within cancer patients
Elder Abuse Literature Review
Bed sharing and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Does patient education for the management of atopic eczema in children and adolescents help to reduce the severity of atopic eczema, within 12 months?
In an Inpatient Setting, How Does the Implementation of Electronic Prescribing and Administration Technology Result in Reduced Drug Errors?
Debriefing critical incidents in the Emergency Department
Volume Two (2), 2016
Editorial, Volume Two (2), 2016
Nursing Interventions for Patients with End Stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Effectiveness of Opiate Substitution Treatment in Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Needle-stick injuries: Significant health risk for New Zealand nurses
Oral health in New Zealand children
Mastectomy vs. Preventative Screening for Woman Diagnosed with the BRCA1/2 gene
Influences on consent for the Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine in New Zealand
Does cigarette smoking hinder fracture healing?
Post-Partum Depression in New Zealand
Length of hospital stay in obese patients
Volume Three (1), 2016
Editorial, Volume Three (1), 2016
Employment of New Graduate Registered Nurses into Rural Primary Health Care
The Hungry Patients
Gatekeeper Training in Suicide Prevention
The benefits of kangaroo care (skin-to-skin) to a preterm infant and mother in the neonatal intensive care unit
Promoting Rural Health and Reducing Rural Suicide
Cyber Bullying and the Effects this could have on adolescents
Supersize your degree for free, courtesy of your University
Loneliness as a predisposition to depression in older adults
Promoting equitable health services for Colorectal Cancer patients in rural New Zealand.
Does insulation in rental accommodation affect rates of respiratory illness among tertiary students in Dunedin City during the winter period?
Responsibility of the nurse in recognizing and raising awareness of the threats of climate change on health
Breast Feeding versus Formula Feeding
Volume Four (1), 2017
Domestic Violence Literature Review
Ethical considerations and implications for euthanasia and assisted suicide in New Zealand
Bedside Handovers Communication Proven To Be Most Effective In Practice
Music Therapy in the Care of people with Dementia
How can health professionals better support caregivers and their loved one who are challenged with dementia to remain in their own home setting?
Trauma Screening in Female Refugees: Finding a more appropriate alternative
Melanoma: The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Incidence and Prognosis
Volume Four (2), 2017
Editorial, Volume Four (2), 2017
Breast Screening in Women with Dense Breast Tissue
Mental Health and Adolescents
Does Socioeconomic Status effect the rates of childhood obesity in New Zealand?
A developing world disease in a developed country: Why does New Zealand have one of the highest rates of rheumatic fever?
Would having a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage tax reduce childhood obesity in New Zealand?
Some people just don’t stand a chance’. Does significant childhood adversity lead to more depression, deliberate self-harm and suicide attempts within NZs younger generation?
Childhood Obesity: Growing Up and Growing Out
Adopting an opt-out system to improve rates of organ donation
Volume Five, 2018
Mindfulness as Analgesia for Chronic Pain
E-cigarettes and E-liquids: An effective tool to quit smoking
How can Māori adult deceased organ donors be cared for in a culturally safe manner in intensive care units?
How is the consumption of energy drinks impacting on the health of adolescents?
Volume Six, 2019
Editorial, Volume six (1)
Pornography and Youth: What effects does excess pornography consumption have on mental or sexual health outcomes in youth?
Therapeutic design features for hospital staff break areas: The role of nature in nurse wellbeing.
Mental Health in Māori: What are the risk factors that contribute to poorer mental health outcomes within the Māori population?
Diagnostic delay for endometriosis — A bleeding issue
Does nurses emotional intelligence affect their ability to be critical thinkers/reasoners in the clinical setting?
Does hyperthermia treatment for people diagnosed with terminal cancer, allow for a better quality of life?
The effectiveness of school nutrition policies: a public health perspective
Are mothers who exclusively breastfed their child protected from developing postpartum depression in comparison to mothers who non-exclusively breastfed?New Nursing Article Page
Does Conductive Education have an impact on the overall development of children with cerebral palsy?
How will the aging nurse workforce impact on rural healthcare and what can be done to address this issue?
Artificial blue light and teenagers: Does artificial blue light exposure at night have negative health and wellbeing implications on teenagers?
Holly Archer
Talia Bennett
Rebecca Cairns
Catrina Del Rosario
Aleisha Drinkwater
Sarah Howey
Julie Humphries
Olivia Lewis
Darlene Nardo
Anneke Rombouts
Georgia Scott
Jane Sefo
Abby -Lynn Williams
Jess Williams
Tracey Boyle Harvey
Phillippa Small
Fiona Armon
Samantha Cairns
Emily Campbell
Alex Clark
Bailey Dowling
Katie Lane
Samantha Lobb
Abbey Missen
Melissa Morris
Laura Shaw
Holly Ward
Mi Zhang